
The Third 7even

Potential Rediscovered



I’ve Realized Something Today…

       I woke up at 5:30 this morning from a bad dream. Or at least for me it was. I always hate when they happen during the morning, because then you can’t decide whether to go back to sleep or stay up and ponder it. I decided to sleep, but it was still in the back of my mind. So I tried to come up with some nice images in my head, because the last thing you think about before you go unconscious is most likely the thing you’ll dream about. I thought of the beach, heaven, tacos. I fell out immediately. Then I woke up about 2 hours later and started my day. The dream was still getting to me, but I pushed the thoughts away. I made myself the new salad I fell in love with last week and turned on the t.v. to the news channels. Riots. Protests. Shootings. I flinched and changed the channel. It’s hard for me to hear about so much bad in one sitting; how the world is in such pain and turmoil. My mood started to take a damper turn as I thought about all the lives that were lost and the offended people. All the hatred and confusion. But then I had another thought, actually it was a song. It’s one of those “pick-me-upper” old hymnals you would hear in church in the ’70’s. I started singing that for awhile and doing some spontaneous worship, and that very minute, I felt loads better. None of the circumstances had changed but something inside me did. It’s a kind of indescribable joy when you start thanking God. If people had been watching me, they probably would have thought I was strange. I should be freaking out like everyone else, right? Why would I praise God for no reason at all?

      That’s when I realized something, I guess I already knew it, but it’s much different when you actually live it out. It might not be apparent to anyone else but you that God is good, but that doesn’t mean He isn’t still good. When you take the time to forget everything that’s going on with the world and give Him your time, it’s good for you spiritually and emotionally. Everyday, I find myself bombarded with thoughts of hatred thrown at me. Thoughts of hatred thrown by an enemy I can’t even see. I’m worried about my family, my relationships with my friends, my church, my future, my health…my dog! It can all be so overwhelming. Sometimes it’s just too much to take on all at once so I just stopping thinking. But instead of doing that, I should be spending more time in praise & worship. More quality time where I really focus on receiving joy instead of dwelling on how everything will work out. God doesn’t always care that you get through things, He cares about how you get through it. I know it’s different when you’re in the middle of the situation. When you’re the one stuck in city traffic because there’re protestors marching. Or when you can’t see your uncle because he’s in a foreign country and immigration is sticky now. Or even when you’re walking down the street just being you and someone looks at you sideways because you’re part of a race that’s giving their race trouble. It’s hard to be comfortable and it’s hard to keep smiling. But I would encourage you, especially right now, keep on smiling. Keep loving. You’re not doing it for them, you’re doing it for God. Just like you woke up from a nightmare, you can take a few seconds if you’re at work or at home with your kids. Go to the bathroom or quiet room, close your eyes and picture yourself in a far away place. Once you see yourself there, picture that it’s just you and God there together, and that He’s holding your handing; that He’s walking through every step of this day. Believe it because He is. He’s even in control of this crazy world.

       It may seem like God has left us all to our own devices for too long and doesn’t care about us anymore, but I believe in a God who’ll eventually step in and set things right again. I realized all that within just a couple of minutes of acknowledging God. It’s funny, because when I imagine those places I wanna go, like Ireland, Spain, Italy, France, and England, there always seems to be something missing. It’s never enough to just dream of those places without the real source of happiness there, too. So be happy, be healthy, and go out and spread it across a world that needs it.

      P.S., here’s some pictures of the place I’m dying to go:





















And many more after that…


                                  “There was not an ounce of love,
hidden by the night.”

      So, I decided I wanted to share with a poem you guys that I wrote in my spare time a couple a weeks ago. It’s inspired by my love for snow, and I feel it’s relevant due to all the storms going on right now. It’s also the way I look at all my experiences. A little hardened, yet a little thankful. I hardly ever share my poetry with anyone, in fact this will be the first time that I’ve shared one in this way. I used to have notebooks upon notebooks of songs and stories and poems that I would hide on the side of my bed, just in case anyone (most of the time my brother) got an itch to sneak in my room and snoop. I hold everything I write very close to me so I hope you guys get something out of it.

       It’s basically about how time passes and nothing is permanent. Everything shifts, for the good or for the bad, and it’s about the struggle to trust in anything when you know that change is coming. Writing is basically the way that I find peace; it’s a gift that God has bestowed upon me. I used to feel like it was a curse sometimes, because every time I have a great idea, I have to get it down. No matter where I am or what I’m doing. On a napkin. On cardboard. On toilet paper. Whatever. But I would encourage you today to pursue blazing passions like that. Don’t be ashamed of them, even if no one else understands. We don’t do things to please people, we do them to please God. It’s not the job of our friends, family, and mentors to pat us on the head each day and give us a gold star, we get validation from God. So with that, here it is, my first publicized poem:



 by Hannah Johnson

“It will never last”, I told myself.
There’s no point in the fun.
Oh sprinkled rose and mistletoe,
you soon will meet the sun.

Right now it’s pretty and easy.
But the day is almost through.
I soon will say goodbye,
because that’s what I always must do.

So why shall be happy,
partake in races with sleds.
In the morning I’ll awaken,
and wish I bumped my head.

To forget all this laughter,
that never again shall be.
I’ll wish those moments would tell my heart,
I release you now be free.

Yet still I gave this folly,
the good part of my brain.
I warmed myself up to their bonfires,
and sang their old refrains.

There was not an ounce of love,
hidden by the night.
So I wished that we’d forget our woes,
and tomorrow we wouldn’t fight.

But life comes even in spite,
and shoos good times away.
Without a hesitation,
it pulls is day by day.

So awake I was one hellish night,
the months passed as I’d feared.
I listened for the peaceful sound,
I knew I would not hear.

So there I laid so still,
and wished I’d bumped my head.
For the sprinkled rose expired,
and the sound of laughter was dead.

       The ending may sound a little bit bleak, but when you really think about it, it’s reality. We all know today was the inauguration of President Donald Trump. That’s another huge example of a shift in seasons, or as they call it, “a shift in power”. We have to learn to accept things that we can’t change for what they are. Things can be taken away from us just like that, but in those moments, we learn to really depend on God.We remember that he’s the only one who will never change on us. We learn that we can make our own snow, so to speak. When the season is over and all is said and done, how do you find joy? These are questions I also ask myself, and I hope to find the answers to them as I continue on in this crazy, brusque journey called life.

For now, I’ll leave you something light.


Christmas Is: Enjoying Or Barely Getting By?

   1. Get your Christmas shopping done early. 

 2. Try something new.

 3. Spend more time with your family.

   4. Listen to God while He’s talking.

   5. Be grateful. 


      It seems like there’s been a bit of an echo this December. An echo that’s spread rapidly in a short span of time. It’s 3 days until Christmas, and people are just barely getting into the Christmas spirit. So much has happened this year that it’s made it almost impossible for people to be happy right now. Whether it’s the stress of a 9-5 job, or just holiday-travel stress, smiles (in the U.S. especially) have decreased at a rather rapid speed. I was a little more curious about this, so I decided to do some research. One article I read said that 60% of people that shop during Christmas get tired after only 32 minutes of shopping. Another one said that alcohol consumption is a huge factor to stress. People are depending more and more on man-made items to give them peace, and they can’t handle the emptiness (and the hangover) that comes after. So I thought I’d write to encourage some of you feeling down, or like your family is going to drive you nuts. I’m even having a little trouble keeping my spirits up this year, and I’m one of the most cheery people I know. But when that happens, I have to go back to the origin.

      It was one baby, one couple, one star, one night, and one tiny little hut for them to cozy up in. And although you may not think of a straw pillow as being comforting, they seemed to have everything they needed just by being together. It also didn’t help to know that their son was the chosen one. The one everyone had been waiting for to make things right. You see, back then, things were just as stressful as they are now. Money was tight and taxes went up like crazy. People started to question they’re leader and the way he was treating them. So when they heard that someone was coming to become the next king, they were excited. We all know the story of the wise men and the shepherds coming to visit Jesus after he was born. (Matthew 2:11)(Luke 2:16) They brought the most expensive gifts they could find, and followed a star to come and worship Him. I can’t imagine how much faith it must’ve taken for them to take that first step, and if I’m being honest, it would’ve been hard for me, too. But their hope for the future was so high, they decided to take a chance. What if they had not gone, and then heard the story in the news, or ran into the magi the day after. How disappointed they would’ve been that they didn’t follow their hearts. So I can’t help but wonder if people are so stressed out lately because they’re losing their forgetting the meaning of Christmas. Is it possible that we could even be in church going through the motions and not really feeling Christmas?

       I went to Walmart yesterday and the energy was so frantic. I smiled at…I don’t know how many people, and pretty much no one smiled back. No one seemed happy. But there was a mutual understanding that this last-minute shopping “thing” shouldn’t ever happen again. Unfortunately, I was one of those people wishing that I had planned things out better. The line went far out enough for people walking by to be able to crash into you. So I stood there and watched, as people’s faces became a blur and thought, when did Christmas become this? Is this what it’s finally come down to? Commercialism? Overpriced turkey stuffings? While I know that commercialism will always be a big part of the holidays (because let’s face it, people will most likely buy what they see on t.v.), I know this isn’t all there is and I hope this isn’t all we’ll become. Therefore, I have a couple pieces of advice as we go into this next year based on my own experiences that might make next year’s Christmas a little more pleasant:

1. Get your Christmas shopping done early. No one wants to be hauled up in those lines for an hour, moving forward inch by inch. Try to get an idea of what your loved ones want ahead of time, then set a date to go shopping for all the items and DON’T cancel. Now I know some people are harder to shop for than others, but at least if you go early, you have time to return it if the person mentions wanting something else.

 2. Try something new. Don’t get stuck in the rut of doing the same thing every Christmas, and no I don’t mean traditions. Keep the traditions, but maybe instead of cleaning the dust off every ledge and wiping door handles that are just going to get dirty again, you might decide to go ice skating for the first time. I remember the first time I went and it was some of the best fun I’ve ever had. AND, I didn’t fall down one time. When you put yourself out there more and more, life starts to seem worth living again.

 3. Spend more time with your family. Don’t forget the people you’re spending all this time preparing for. Maybe the only gift they want this year is for you to put down what you’re doing and pay attention to them. I have people in my life that I love who are always going, going, GOING, and I would give anything to just sit down and talk with them for a few minutes. People like to know they’re important and in disposable. No one wants to feel like they can be bought.

   4. Listen to God while He’s talking. If you find yourself drifting off to something that could go wrong while the pastor preaching, maybe there’s something to that. I find that my weakest moments in life are when I’m not reading God’s word. Take some time to reread the story of Jesus’ birth. Who knows? Maybe you’ll find some new details that make you see it in a different light. This helps keep your perspective positive, which in turn, will renew your hope.

   5. Be grateful. You’re alive and breathing! That in and of itself is a miracle. The fact that you’re heart is beating and you have a God that loves you is a miracle. And if you’re lucky enough to have a place to live, water to drink, food to eat, and a family to come home to, I’d say you’re well off enough. To be fair, I have moments too where I’m pining over some new piece of technology, how smooth and shiny it looks or how many new features it has than the last upgrade, but I don’t let that consume me. I want those things, but what I need is family. Life is nothing without it. Family doesn’t have to be blood-related either. If you’ve lost your blood family and this is hard time of year for you to be alone, go out and meet new people. Join a small group at church, or talk to people you work with but don’t get to hang out with that often. People are everywhere, and most of them are pretty friendly.

       So this is my advice to you, writing only two days away from Christmas. I hope that wherever you go this year, you feel more like Buddy the elf than the Grinch. May you and your family be safe, together, and blessed. Remember that the greatest gifts really do come in all shapes and sizes, even the king of the world.

Bad Vibes.

    I know what you’re thinking. Another rant. Another hateful person. Just one more complainer. Wrong. This article will definitely be shorter than my other articles. It has been one of the most controversial weeks I think we’ve ever had in the history of our country. Most people rushed to the voting booths with an eager heart. So sure of themselves and confident about their candidate. Others were content to leave it alone and let the chips fall as they may. Either way, a lot of people are frustrated and don’t know what to do.

    I’m not someone who usually posts on social media or anywhere else about my political views because I’m not a huge fan of the pushback that comes with it. I believe that we all should be able to state our opinion without it erupting in complete chaos. I have many friends who believe very differently than I do and are NOT afraid to step out and defend themselves. So I have learned to accept them for who they are and “agree to disagree”. But now, it’s as if the U.S. has come to a place where no one is listening to anyone. The nation that is called, “the land of the free” is becoming “the land of the people who look, talk, and act like us” and personally, I decline from this.

   The main controversies with each candidate are still fresh in my mind, so I can see how each party may THINK they’re doing right. There has been an on-going trend of debt, elevated taxes, and shortage of certain other American benefits. People are tired, always struggling to scrape by. On either side, there is a fear of hopelessness that anything can change in their favor. Each side puts out passion. Each side puts out aggression. Propaganda is on every television screen from 12 a.m. to 12 a.m. And when finally a decision is made, people are outraged. America has basically turned on it’s side like it’s cramping up and I hate to watch it all unfold.

    What do I stand for? I have always stood for love. For treating everyone with respect; supporting and uplifting people with positivity when they can’t stand on their own. I believe in whatever God says is right, and we all know the verse Mark 12:31: “The second is this: ‘You shall love your neighbor as yourself.’ There is no other commandment greater than these.”. Also there’s Leviticus 19:18, “You shall not take vengeance or bear a grudge against the sons of your own people, but you shall love your neighbor as yourself: I am the Lord.” the Bible states in clearly and I believe it. Accept other people as they are, even if you don’t agree with their choices. Now some people, even Christians, have not followed this rule. But judging them for judging others is frankly hypocritical, don’t you think. Either way, we as Americans have always found a way to stand against hatred. In 1920, women were finally allowed to vote. In 1945, the Holocaust (brutal mistreatment of Jews) finally ceased and 1 year later, the Japanese Interment camps were shut down for good. In 1964, segregation between African Americans and Caucasians ended. How could we have possibly forgotten all of this. I see the people of this country as my brothers and sisters. My brothers and sisters are frantically running, shouting, shooting, protesting…terrified. And I just wonder when enough is going to be enough for us.

   All I really want, is for both sides to come together and hear each other out. Realistically, I don’t know how attainable that will be. If you don’t agree with who won the election, there’s nothing you can do about it anyway. As much as you paint signs and put out petitions, it won’t change the outcome. And the same hatred you show toward the new president, and even Hillary, is the same hatred you’re afraid of receiving from others. It isn’t right, the whole way around. Again, this is my opinion I’m no expert. But I feel as if we’re missing an important lesson in this very tense time and going around in circles. Love will ALWAYS out rule hate. There is never a good reason to hate. We have to realize that perpetual hate is a learned behavior. People aren’t born bitter, they were taught to be that way by either their parents, relatives, or friends. They have adopted this and may not even realize they’re doing it. They need continuous empathy, prayer, and support. They need to know that there is better way to live and treat others. I have had many experiences with people, even in my close circle of acquaintances where I have heard someone say a prejudicial thing, and I have had to show them grace in the midst of their ignorance. If we can learn this as a nation, we will not only prosper in benefits as a result of the different cultures, we will finally break the glass ceiling that’s been cracked for so long but dying to be completely shattered. I hope those reading this will join me in showing love and approval to others. Let’s make a genuine effort to hear each other out. Everyone wants to be heard.


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